I can remember a time when things in my life were much, much different.
So what has happened?
Where has "that guy" been hiding all this time?
Which pair of underwear should I wear today?
I can actually remember when I was happy. Truly happy.
You know that feeling you get when your standing on top of a plateau, with the wind gently blowing through your hair, your chisled body glistening in the sunshine all the while a thousand naked virgins throw thawed out mackerals at you?
Ok, so maybe you don't.
My point is, we all have a period of our lives when we are in a state of bliss.
And then one day, you wake up and that feeling is gone.
Your plateau has crumbled to the ground.
Your hair has fallen out.
Your chisled body has become renovated by the local landfill, and all those virgins are no longer 'pure' and are throwing frozen grouse your way.
It can also be compared to how an animal is taken from the wild, placed in a "controlled environment" and is now public entertainment.
Things have got to change.
They simply must in order to do more than just 'survive' the daily grind.
So now, I am forced to decide to actually MAKE 2008 "great".
If I don't, I am not doing anyone any good:not me, my family, friends, or those I am sworn to protect in the fight against scum and villinany.
If only I could get the dry cleaners to stop putting startch in my tights.