Saturday, January 28, 2006

Saturday Morning Post

(for those of you that get the loose reference, you win!)

Today's post should probably live up to the overall title of my little page, as it will have no cohesiveness to speak off.

This weekend, I have my kids.
Last night, we went to a buddy's house so they could play with his kids, leaving the adults to an all night Super Scrabble fest.
Super Scrabble is different than regular Scrabble in that there are twice the amount of tiles, a bigger board with higher point total squares, and takes about twice as long to play as regular Scrabble. Needless to say, I rocked by scoring almost ninety more points than my friend. (Incidentily, this game allows us to get well above the 500 point level).

Today, we are going to go shopping for valve oil (please, no "Band Camp" references), and a metronome for my eldest son.
At the beginning of the school year, he wanted to get into band and took up the trumpet. I tried to get him to take up the sax, but he wants to be just like another buddy of mine.

This year, a few of my resolutions include:
getting into a slightly larger house as my children and I are outgrowing our present one.

getting my motorcycle license.

getting a motorcycle. (not necessisarily a Harley. I do know how to be realistic).

blogging more.

blogging more and interesting.

blogging more and interesting enough to get on other bloggers' "fave lists".

and my hardest and possibly most futile resolution of all......................
find love!

take me into commercial Paul

Friday, January 27, 2006

RIP Jonathan Kent

For fans of "Smallville", tonight's 100th episode was not only an achievement in actually making 100 episodes, but one that finally answers how/when the "Pa Kent" character meets his demise.

Anyone who knows the storyline of Superman knows that Jonathan Kent suffers a fatal heart attack when Clark is in his teens. And even though we knew it was coming, to have it finally play out doesn't make it any easier to accept.

Since it's premier back in 2001, we've watched the elder Kent, played by John Schneider of "The Dukes of Hazzard" fame, guide young Clark as his son slowly grows into his super powers.

On a more personal note, and to step away from my uber-geek personae for a moment, I've never dealt well with death. Even if it is the death of a ficticious character, just the notion of someone losing another to death has bothered me.

On that, I'm sure that other viewers of "Smallville" will miss John/Jonathan.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

It helps when you love what you're doing

A recent surf session on the net prompted me to rave about my job.
You see, I saw one of the windows I made several years ago installed in the Hotel it was made for.

The round window pictured above, is one of ten that was built by yours truly about four years ago. It was installed in the then being built Mandarin Oriental Hotel in our Nations capital, Washington, DC.

They measure six feet in diameter and weigh about seventy pounds each. They were, to say the least, a bitch to construct.
But the end result, as you can see, is well worth the stress.

I really enjoy making custom shaped windows.
Whether it be a simple octagon, or complicated double radius, I liken my work to that done by the guys at OCC, in that I get to make something custom, and out of the ordinary, all by hand from start to finish. Incidentally, I made a sign for my area "borrowing" those initials which I made to stand for "Osage Custom Creations". Thus far, management has seen into my 'personalization' of my department and not made me remove it. Thanx guys.

There are times when I regret not having gone to college to gain a career. A lot of times. But in having been doing what I'm doing for so long now, and seeing the fruits of my labor in such places as featured online, it makes me feel not too bad about being just "a grunt" making a paltry living.

I love my job

Monday, January 16, 2006

Sure makes life easier.

It's been a little over a year since I'd finally succumbed to using 'direct deposit' where I work. At the same time I signed up for an debit card.

I'd been hesitant due to all of the horror stories I'd heard about how the bank doesn't always get the deposit when it should, or how the ATM machine ate someone's card.
But, for whatever reason, I decided I'd join the masses. Of course, now I'm glad I did and I wonder how I ever got along without a debit card!

For so long I'd written checks for most of my purchases and kept out $20 cash from each pay check.
But not it seems that my check book balances more times than none and I don't always have to worry about hitting the bank for some scratch.

For anyone that still hasn't signed up for direct deposit and/or gotten a debit card, I highly recommend doing so.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

In a rut? Big time!

Taking a cue from my good friend Dave, I'm finally getting around to creating a post.

When I first took up blogging, it was from his suggestion. He said it would be a good way to let off some steam from my divorce, and continued "adventures" I have with my ex-wife. But, alas, since that faithful day some six years ago, I've become embittered by her actions, my inability to let things go, and the fact that I got totally anal raped by the court system. (Ok, so, maybe that was a little over the top, but for anyone that's ever gone through a bitter divorce involving children, I'm sure you can relate).

Combine that with the fact that a)I've never been a very good writer,and 2)nothing really exciting happens in my life, I just don't have much to write about.
But when I do, look out! The incoherent ramblings can be entertaining if not informative.
Add in the fact that I suffered a major case of the "Holiday Blues" this year, I just didn't feel like being online all that much.

As I read the various blogs I've come to consider required reading, I find that these people have more exciting lives than I do.
Ok, maybe not more exciting, but at least they are "in-the-know" and opinionated enough to keep their blogs alive.

So, as I sign off today resigning myself to the knowledge that this little input will have to suffice, I will try my best to keep my blog going with not so much bitterness, angst and things that go bump in the night.