Monday, July 31, 2006

Pee Wee's influence

Pee Wee's influence
Originally uploaded by bat-a-ray.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank my Dad for 'exposing' my son to Pee Wee's Playhouse.

Now, I can be in the kitchen, tending leftovers when from the other room I hear my son exclaim "I HEAR FOIL!!".

Again, thanks for that.
I wasn't THAT bad of a kid was I???

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

How do YOU play?

Tonight, I went over to my buddy, Lizard's, to play Scrabble with him and our friend Jen. Liz and I occasionally play, and have recently included her.

Now, when it's just the two of us, we follow normal rules. But when Jen plays, it's her rules.
The thing that messes me up is the fact that she plays that you can reuse bonus squares after they have been used once.
Of course, it increases the point possibilies, but to me it just seems weird.

Has anyone else played this way?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Getcher geek on.........getcher geek on............

Ok, so, that'd be more impressive if Nelly Furtado was actually singing it. But you get the point.

I thought I'd go away from my normal posts and do something fun:blog about my weekly D&D session.

There are five of us, six if you include our,(Dungeon Master, or God for lack of a better term) DM's 12 year old son that sits in with us now and then. And we have two different bands.
Our main group, which we affectionately refer to as "The Good Group" has a Dwarf Druid (funny, he doesn't LOOK Druish) (my character), a human cleric, Greg (praise Ilmater), an Elvin Ranger, and a Human Rogue. Then there's the sometimes Barbarian Fighter.

Then, there's our other group, or "The Evil Group" which we play when our Cleric friend cannot join us.
This group allows our DM to play a character, a Monk, and our "Good Group" Ranger to fill in as DM.

Otherwise, we have a Half-Orc fighter (me) and our Wizard. We usually get our asses kicked by some form of lower level beastie as we don't have a cleric in our midst to help with the healing process (praise Ilmater).

Tonight, was our "Evil Group" and we were joined our 12 year olds character, a Halfling Thief. Basically, a throwing aid to my Half-Orc, "Hey Monk! GO LONG".

Anyway, tonight was basically a chance for the three of us, sans Halfling, to heal from our last battle,divvy treasure, more healing, upgrade armourment, and oh yea:did I mention heal?

We did, however, have the opportunity to begin a new leg of our adventure where the first creature we encountered, was a shambling mound.

Of course, being the courageous fighter that my character is, Karn decided to rush this foul creature and rend it dead "D-E-D, DEAD!". Well, it went well for a few hits of his double headed axe.
But then it was the mounds turn. And guess what, in what would have been an epic battle between Hero and monster, this bushkilled my character.
Imagine my embarrassment by having been bested by a shrubbery! The horror!
And to add insult to injury, our wizard fired a magic missile into the mound setting it ablaze. NOW I was not only bested by a bush, but now being hovered over by a FLAMING BUSH. (I'll wait for the adolescent audience to stop giggling over the suggestive nature of my last sentence).

Suffice to say, the green fiend was beaten by the others in our group, and Karn was revived to fight another day.

Next week I wouldn't be surprised if I get attacked by a stick.

btw:praise Ilmater

Monday, July 17, 2006

Anything to save a buck

I've noticed that automotive makers have taken another step in cutting down the cost of their vehicles in order to increase sales. What is this 'money saving' thing?
Selling cars with optional turn-signals.

Back in the day, muscle cars were everywhere, until raising gas prices forced auto makers to create more fuel efficient cars and trucks.

Then they wanted to make a safer vehicle, so steel was substituted with plastic skins over a steel substructure.

Now, in an effort to make things even MORE inexpensive, it seems that now we have a choice whether or not our cars and trucks come with working turn signals!

I know you've seen em! They're easy to pick out:they surprise you at the last minute before making either a lane change or turn around the corner.

These cars and trucks must be geared towards the elderly, knowing that our senior citizens are on a mostly fixed income. Although I've never seen such an ad, they must be being played at a time when I am not watching television. Either that, or they've tuned into the frequency of America's hearing aid populous.

So, the next time you slam on the breaks so you don't hit that 'blue-hair' because they've come to a complete stop, and then turned, applaud our automotive manufacturers for their continuing endeavor to supply us with cheaper transportation.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

C'mon, don't be shy!

I've been blogging for just over a year now, and while I've had a lot of visits to my site, I've received only a smattering of comments.

Now, either my entries are really uninteresting, or people just don't know what to say!

I've noticed a few 'reciprocating visits' which I appreciate very much!
But, for you other 'hit-and-runners', don't be shy! Say something! Let me know you care! ;)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Always use your brain for good, not evil

Sometimes, you just can't make this stuff up.

During my groups D&D sessions, we can come up with some very entertaining dialogs and situations that make our DM cringe.

One example was when we encountered an Otyugh protecting a horde of treasure in a shallow pool of water. How were we to coax it out to lay claim to this bounty?
After some debate on who would be the bait to draw this beast out, our Rogue remembered he had a grappling hook and length of silken rope,(strong stuff).

In a nutshell, we ended up "fishing for Otyugh" as we hooked the creature, and teamed up to pull it from it's vantage point. Hooray! Gold for everyone!

Probably one of the better instances, created the epitome of all that ends in one holding their head in anguish.

(As read by the DM) "Upon searching the now abandoned castle, you come upon a room that appears to be used for worship. At the other end of this room, you spy a Dais.".

Rogue- "A what?"
DM- "A Dais".
Ranger- "What's a 'Dais'?"
DM- "It's like a raised part leading to an alter. Like small steps"
Cleric- "So why not just tell us it's 'small steps'?"
DM- "That's what it says in the module."
Dwarf- "Wouldn't it just be easier to refer to it in terms we know?"
DM- "Can I continue or what?!"
Group- "Fine."
DM- "You can see something sitting on the Dais."
Rogue- "I check for traps and move closer to see what it is."
DM- "You see that it's a stone with an elaborately carved pattern on it's surface"
Cleric- "So, it's a rock."
DM- "No, it's a stone."
Ranger- "On the Dais?"
DM- "Yes. Upon the Dais."
Dwarf- "A rock, upon the Dais?"
Group, singing- "On the Dais on the DAIS........On the Dais on the DAIS........"

Sing it with me now!

I have the feeling it'll be a few weeks before our DM has regained any sense of sanity in order to continue our adventure.

*on a personal note, I much prefer the version "Eat me I'm a Danish".

Monday, July 10, 2006

Insomnia sux

Ok, so, I have to be up for work in less than six hours............
Somebody puh-LEEZE pass the NyQuil