Sunday, July 20, 2008

first one theater, then another............

Today, I took my boys to see "The Dark Knight" here in town.
First off, wow. This picture is darker than the previous, but DAMN it's good!
I'll give props to the late Mr. Ledger for his portrayal of The Joker.
HIS was an offering of what the comics have been offering in recent years: a more psychotic and demented villain.
However, I will not compare his to Jack Nicholson's "Joker".
In the 1989 movie "Batman", Nicholson's Joker as perfect for that movie, just as Ledger's Joker is perfect for this one.

There was on occurrence that marred what should have been a 2 and a half 'vacation from reality'.
Just as technical difficulties blacked out about 10 minutes of the movie in a nearby town, so did they here.
The kicker here:no free passes afterwards.

I do plan to see this film in the theater again, not only to view what I along with others missed, but, as with the previous "Batman" movie(s) it's worth seeing again.

technology schmechnology

I'm pissed.
For some reason, half of my bookmarks have disappeared.

My PC is a few years old, but over the past year or so it's been showing "signs of age".
It takes me about an hour to do fifteen minutes worth of browsing, it gets "pissy" if I open more than three tabs at a time, and to boot my printer has decided it doesn't want to take in any more paper.

I've used a few restore points, ran multiple "fix it programs" but nothing has worked. (and I'm still missing my bookmarks!).

I can remember times before computers, less stressful times.
Sure, there wasn't the ability to pop into the next room and look up some pertinent information for the kids (cheat codes for their favorite video game), but there wasn't this umbilical cord tethering us to checking our email, looking for dates, or getting numerous emails on enlarging our penis'. (or enhancing ones' breasts).

I'm to the point where I don't want to shell out big bucks every few years just to see if "miss hot hot hottie" replied to my message or not. (it's usually not).

Maybe it's a sign for me to get back to "the real world" and make friend the old fashioned way.
(besides, you never know if when meeting someone from the Internet, if you're going to get raped in the butt! thanx ozzy)