Thursday, August 25, 2005

First day of school

Today I had the opportunity to take my boys to school ON their first day of classes.
I'd missed out the last several years due to either their having lived in Southern Illinois, or they just weren't with me.
This year we were finishing our summer visit and it overlapped into school starting.

Now, I've been doing the 'part-time-dad' thing (or as my ex-wife likes to refer to it as the "big-brother-role") but this is the first time I've really felt like Dad. For some of you, it may be hard to relate to that statement, but believe me when I say I don't make it light-heartedly. But, I'm getting off the subject a bit.

We woke up this morning, showered, and had breakfast which is amazing seeing as how it was so early in the morning for all of us.
All went off with out a hitch.
Everyone knew what they were wearing (picture day), everyone knew where they're school bag and/or musical instrument was, and all shoes were on the correct feet!
Dropping them off at school was no biggie for me other than "Dad get's to do it"!
After dropping off my third grader, I noticed as I pulled away there were a few mothers that were taking pictures of their children in front of the school.

Now, I didn't think anything negative, but found it interesting that this was occuring. I guess I'd not considered doing so, but none-the-less, did not feel left out.

Upon arriving at work, some of the women asked "did you cry?" and "did you take pictures?"
Obviously they know something I do not.

All in all, for me, just being able to take them to school ON their first day of school was a memory I didn't need a camera for.

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