Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Welcome to North Iowa....................

For as long as I can remember, the weather has been a hot topic of discussion, especially during the winter months.

I can remember back when I was a kid, November through the end of March were the months we had snow. And lots of it.
My folks have pictures of our old house and there was at least a couple feet of snow.
But as times go on, the weather seems to have changed.

Today, it is raining.
Yesterday there was actually thunder AND lightning which is odd since there is still several inches of snow on the ground. Even today, it looks as if it could have snowed only yesterday, but we are encountering a lovely rain shower. The temperature is a mere 34 degrees, so there is a fear of waking up tomorrow to a cornicopia of accidents due to slick roads.

I guess the old saying is true. If you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes and it will change.

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