Saturday, June 21, 2008

*DING* End of round one

I've just ended the first of 3 two week 'visits' with my kids.
Being allowed only six weeks time with them during the summer, I've found it easier to schedule two weeks straight during the months of June, July, and August. And they seem to like it more as well.

During those two solid weeks of having my kids with me is great.
I get to realize being a REAL full-time parent, and not just a 'weekend warrior'.

It's this time when I get to have complete responsibility of my children ranging from summer band lessons, ball games, interaction and just being there if they need me.

It's this time with them that defines me, shapes me towards my full potential.
It's this time that I enjoy the most, because I know that in a few hours after getting off of work, they don't have to go back to their mother's.

Now that I have this 'down time' until our July visit, I want to do something different than in years past:actually DO something with my down time.

I've wasted a lot of time doing nothing when I should have been doing something, but it's going to be hard.
I'm a creature of habit. A creature of comfort.
It's time I venture out of my bubble and do some living for a change.

My children are my catalyst:I grasp that now.
I want them to be (more) proud of their Dad, so that come July, we begin to have even better times together than we already enjoy.

1 comment:

OzzyC said...

Okay... so what is that SOMETHING going to be?

If you don't know, I've got an idea. Pick up your freakin' guitar.