Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why no, I'm not gay. But thanks for asking.

This seems to be a reoccurring question from my 'friends', simply because I have chosen not to date in quite some time.

I moved to a small town (population around 3000), when my then girlfriend, whom I'd been dating for 2 years became pregnant.
Fast forward 7 years. After our second child and deciding to get married, things started to decline.

Now it's ten years later.

In the beginning, I did date a few different women from my old city (30 miles away), dabbled with online dating, but have pretty much kept to myself.

This town offers me nothing other than a job and the close proximity to my boys.
Socially, I have no interest mainly because of feeling like an outsider ever since the divorce.

That's the problem with marrying into a small community like this. When thing go south, if you don't get out right away, you're pretty much f*cked.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Have you completely quit blogging, RayRay?? Almost all my blogger friends have lost interest... Which is fine if you don't enjoy it anymore....but MAN I miss you guys!!!