Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Weddings: Part Deux

This weekend I attended yet another ceremony created for joining man and woman in holy matrimony. This time, it was for a friend that I've known for going on 25 years or so. (man I hate dating myself like that).

The ceremony began at eight in the morning due to the setting being rather popular for just such an event. But what made this one special (ok........extra special) was the fact that the ceremony was performed by the brides father.

I'm not sure what denomination he is, but arriving at the scene, I didn't think he was who he was.
You see, he had no white collar, or any collar for that matter as he was wearing a Mandarin collar shirt. He also wasn't wearing any type of robe, or other garb distinguishing him from the rest of us.

Not being very religious myself, I still enjoyed 'his' ceremony.
It had some religious reference, but nothing pointed. Just your basic "love each other" statements and the like.

So now I've attended two weddings in as many months it seems and I'm still no closer to going down the aisle myself.

But still, I wish my four friends all the happiness they so richly deserve.


OzzyC said...

Ahhhhh, grasshopper....

In order to find what you seek, you must first stop looking.

rayray said...


rayray said...

Like U2, I still haven't found what I'm looking for................