Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Sadism vs. Masochism

This past weekend, and again today I took my children sledding.
Of course, being the "hip dad" that I am, I let myself be talked into giving it a go.
It's been years, nay EONS since I've hurtled myself down a snowy covered slope, riding upon a man-made vehical created for the sole purpose of cheating death again and again.

I mean, who in the world thought, "If I had something very slick, I could ride down this snowy hill and achieve break-neck speeds!"??

I'll admit, though, I had fun, except for the time the saucer I was riding in, turned me around backwards, allowing the ground to grab ahold of the lip thus ejecting me in a display not unlike the scene of a rag doll being tossed out a speeding car.

Next week, I'm takin the kayak.


OzzyC said...
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OzzyC said...

I've seen kayaking on snow, and it looks like fun. You can use the paddle as a rudder. Let me know how it works out.