Saturday, October 07, 2006

It's a weekend for sports!

Being the parent of a 'band child' comes with many rewards.
One of which is being volunteered to work the concession stand at sporting events.
Last night, was such a night. And being Home Coming week, added to the excitement.

We showed up, not knowing what we had gotten ourselves into.

Within minutes of getting there, we had our assignments:Austin would work 'the cooler', getting the drinks that were called out and I, the parent, would work 'the counter'.
DUN dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.

Not being a people person, I settled in for what seemed like it would be the "Homecoming from Hell". Plus, not being aquainted with the prices, OR being able to do simple math within micro-seconds, I had a feeling it would be a LONG night.

Luckily, there were plenty of other "volunteered bodies", and there were plenty of counter people. I took a few orders over a period of 45 minutes, and by that time, the two band students (one of which was mine) were bored and ready to go watch the game.

SUCCESS! With Austin wanting to be let out of his "endentured servant status", I took over the cooler with much enthusiasm.

Soon, I was tossing drinks to the counter with the finesse of an NFL quarterback, and not much after that, I had spread my special personality" to the other parents and we were reliving the days of Saturday Night Live:"CHIP CHIP.....COKE............NO COKE! PEPSI".

Of course, this brand of comedy was lost on a majority of our patrons, as the average age was that of a teen-ager.
Still, we had fun, which is what it's all about.

btw:the Final Score as 35-0..........our team snuffed the other team BIG time.

As for today's sports news:BOTH boys had soccer games with Garrett's team won 7-2, the biggest win so far.
Austin's team was dealt a 3-5 loss.
Next time time.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

AAAAhhhhh the days of Band Practice and Friday Night High School Football! I had it good I suppose- I was a band member- BUT I was also a majorette.

You were required to play an instument to be eligible for majorette- no just being prety and making the squad. (I played Alto Sax)

I LOVED the games on Friday nights.....Our team- The Easly Green Waves-were the state champions for YEARS!

Just reading your column/post today sent me back to those Glory Days and all the excitement and happiness that came with them.

The simpler times of our lives - just before we became adults and our lives became so complicated.

Thanks Ray-Ray.