Saturday, June 24, 2006

"Animal" in training

Last year, my eldest son got into band.
His first choice was to play the drums, of course,(which also entails playing the xylophone/bells). And why not?
It's cool! It's loud! It gets all the chicks! Oh wait, that part doesn't come for another (gawd I hope) several years.
But, children are required to have three years prior piano training to be able to play the drum(s). So he went with the trumpet.
He did pretty well, even though he didn't put much effort into it.

This year, however, he got his wish.
Seems that at the end of the school year, two students chose to play a wind instrument instead of percussion. This created two, count em TWO openings, which my boy quickly jumped at the chance.

Being as how two spots were created, the aforementioned requirement was waived and he got right in.

So now, he's happy.
He gets to drive his mother (and step-dad) and me crazy while banging the day away on his little drum.

However, myself growing up a musician and self-proclaimed 'metal head', I think it's great!
I've known some drummers in my time, and am happy to be able to share what little knowledge I have about drumming.

"Ok, so, take the drumsticks between your index and middle knuckle."

"Yea? Now what?"

"Slightly move your fingers back and forth in a rhythmic style."

"Say what?"

"See? Isn't this cool?! This is how to twirl your drumsticks!"

"You're a dork, Dad."

"No!No! This will get you all the chicks! You just twirl one stick while playing the beat with the other one! It rocks!"

"Would you mind leaving my room now? I have to practice."

"Ok, but try it with both hands at the same time. You can do that while you are in between sections."

"Don't you have somewhere to be, Dad?"

It never fails. You try to teach your children important life lessons, and all they do is shut you out.

He is doing really well at both the drumming and xylophone though.
And it seems as though since he got the instrument he really wanted, he may go very far with it.

I hope so. If he does REALLY well and keeps with it, I may go as far as to get him his very own set of drums. But don't tell him that!

1 comment:

Sunny said...

That is so cool that you would get him his own set of drums. I wanted to play drums in band- but my dad insisted I learn to play sax. The upside was I got to be a majorette.
I think that was mostly because I was cute but REALLY sucked playing sax, tho.
It got me out of having to actually play sax tho, so I didn't care.
Sometimes life is GOOD!