Monday, July 10, 2006

Insomnia sux

Ok, so, I have to be up for work in less than six hours............
Somebody puh-LEEZE pass the NyQuil


Sunny said...

Less than six hours?

God, is there a POINT to trying to sleep with less than six hours?
I think not. Just stay up- go to work and THEN come home and crash and burn!

Eh- sometimes i'm up for two or three days before i get any GOOD sleep. You're young...and strong. You'll get thru it.


Sorry you can't sleep, seriously. It really DOES suck.
My cure?

Be sure to take them so you have at LEAST 8 hours to sleep tho. They work like a charm! And don't leave you feeling doped up like Nyquil does when you wake up.

Good luck!

rayray said...

i thought about staying up and crashing after work, but I've got my kids with me for the summer, and they 'beg' for attention! (i don't mind though).
as for the NyQuil:I LIKE that doped up feeling when I wake in the morning! ;)

Paulius said...

The easiest way to fall asleep when you're in the middle of a bout of insomnia is to give up on sleep, get up, get dressed and turn on the TV.

You'll INSTANTLY feel exhausted.

Just fall asleep in your chair though. If you get back into bed, it's wide awake time again.

rayray said...

I'll have to try that Paulius.