Sunday, October 30, 2005

Just a Friend

We've all been there:we meet someone we like only to find that they want to be "just friends".

It's like the bane of all men. I can't speak for the women as if this is also the case, but for a guy, when a girl tells you that she feels you are just the "best friend" a little part of us dies.

That's they way it's been for me pretty much most of my dating life.
There were several girls I got along with that I could see myself having a more-than-friends relation with. But as is my curse, I seem to make a better friend than lover.

As if my height, or lack there of, doesn't fuel my complex on a daily basis, but then I have to contend that most every woman I am attracted to, treats me like "the gay friend", or "they guy they don't feel attracted to in that way". oy

(And as a side note, no:I am not I repeat not gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

So it seems that I am destined to be the friend to all women.

At least my kids think I'm cool.


Anonymous said...

I don't know... is it worse than 90% of the men I meet only want to take me to bed and don't care about friendship or love?

sure it is a bit of an ego boost but makes me feel like I am only "good" for a good time.

not really an ego builder.

ps: does height really matter??

rayray said...

w & w, from the profiles i've perused on various dating sites, it would appear that yes:height matters.

OzzyC said...

Sounds like you two are at opposite extremes of the same spectrum.

Maybe you two should take it offline and get to know each other better ;)

Kato said...

Totally been there man. I've heard that phrase more times than I care to recount. Oh the stories I could tell.

Short men unite! We'll overthrow the tall minority, even if we have to do it by punching them in the kneecaps!