Monday, January 16, 2006

Sure makes life easier.

It's been a little over a year since I'd finally succumbed to using 'direct deposit' where I work. At the same time I signed up for an debit card.

I'd been hesitant due to all of the horror stories I'd heard about how the bank doesn't always get the deposit when it should, or how the ATM machine ate someone's card.
But, for whatever reason, I decided I'd join the masses. Of course, now I'm glad I did and I wonder how I ever got along without a debit card!

For so long I'd written checks for most of my purchases and kept out $20 cash from each pay check.
But not it seems that my check book balances more times than none and I don't always have to worry about hitting the bank for some scratch.

For anyone that still hasn't signed up for direct deposit and/or gotten a debit card, I highly recommend doing so.


OzzyC said...

I've got direct deposit, because I like having money go in to my account quickly and easily.

I don't have a debit card because I don't like making it easy to withdraw money.

In the end, I break even, so I can only wonder how far in the hold I'd be if I had a debit card.

Anonymous said...


geez, man move to a real state!

and welcome to the world I live it!

oh, bonus, with debit card you can buy something for $13.07 instead of taking $20 out of the bank and spending the $6.93 that floats in your pocket.

OzzyC said...

You should check out Kato's post for today...

It looks like Witty & Wicked is a fan of yours.

rayray said...

there ya go posting in the future again!
i'm reading this five hours before!!