Sunday, January 15, 2006

In a rut? Big time!

Taking a cue from my good friend Dave, I'm finally getting around to creating a post.

When I first took up blogging, it was from his suggestion. He said it would be a good way to let off some steam from my divorce, and continued "adventures" I have with my ex-wife. But, alas, since that faithful day some six years ago, I've become embittered by her actions, my inability to let things go, and the fact that I got totally anal raped by the court system. (Ok, so, maybe that was a little over the top, but for anyone that's ever gone through a bitter divorce involving children, I'm sure you can relate).

Combine that with the fact that a)I've never been a very good writer,and 2)nothing really exciting happens in my life, I just don't have much to write about.
But when I do, look out! The incoherent ramblings can be entertaining if not informative.
Add in the fact that I suffered a major case of the "Holiday Blues" this year, I just didn't feel like being online all that much.

As I read the various blogs I've come to consider required reading, I find that these people have more exciting lives than I do.
Ok, maybe not more exciting, but at least they are "in-the-know" and opinionated enough to keep their blogs alive.

So, as I sign off today resigning myself to the knowledge that this little input will have to suffice, I will try my best to keep my blog going with not so much bitterness, angst and things that go bump in the night.

1 comment:

OzzyC said...

To paraphrase Dory from "Finding Nemo..."

Just keep writing, Just keep writing