Saturday, September 30, 2006

joke of the day

Tom Fogerty has died.

He wakes up and finds himself on a stage on which a number
of instruments are set up. A door off-stage opens and in
walk Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, John Lennon,
Otis Redding, and Buddy Holly.

Each musician picks up his favourite instrument and begins
tuning up. All of the instruments are taken but, to Tom's
immense pleasure, the drums. He walks up to Jimi and says,
"Man, so this is what heaven is like."

Jimi looks at him and says, "Heaven? You think this
is heaven?"

At that moment, Karen Carpenter walks in, takes her seat
behind the drums, and calls out, "Okay guys, 'Close
to You'. One, two, three, four..."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
