Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Today's posting is inspired by Kato,
but taken in a different direction.

As he had recently had an experience with suspiscous animals, I too recently had an encounter that was both curious and frightening.

The other night, as I made my was from my garage to my house, I noticed a cat sitting on the next door neighbors back steps.
This caught my attention as my next door neighbor doesn't have a cat.

Even odder was the fact that as I moved acrossed my pathway, the cat's head turned as it watched me walk, giving me a foreboding feeling that I could be it's next meal.

If I may take the time to interject an observation here, I wonder:ya ever notice how cat food commercials talk about "flavours cats crave" such as tuna and beef?
Beef..........yeah......cat's crave beef.....I can't TELL ya how many times I've been cruising through the country side, past an open plain and have observed a bunch of cats tearing acrossed the field taking out an Angus.............

Now, as this was merely a house cat, and usually not to be given a second thought, the way this feline kept it's gaze fixated on me was kinda creepy. I even went as far as to stop, lock gaze with it, take a few steps back, a few steps forward, a few steps back.....you get the picture.
All the while I was doing this, this cat watched my every move as though it was priming itself for a pounce.

Having some Druidic tendancies, and communing with nature, I even went as far as to drop to one knee, as to invite said kitty to come over for a pet. But this cat would have nothing to do with pleasantries. OH NO! He was content to add to my already growing daily paranoia, mocking me as I offered kindness to it.

This brings me to my point that cats are simply evil incarnate.
They do what they want, when they want, and with/to whom they want.
EVERYTHING is of their mindset.

So remember this the next time you are at the pound looking for a pet.
Do you want to spend time with an animal that considers YOU the pet?
Or would you be happy with a slobbering drooling poop machine?

For me, it's a no-brainer:go with a turtle.......they already come with their own casket!


Kato said...

Sense motive... (or maybe Detect Evil)

Sunny said...

God- I agree- cats ARE evil incarnate- unless they want to be sweet. then they are just angels.

It never lasts tho- if they think you are becoming too attatched to their sweetness, next thing you know they have done some horrible thing...like shredded you bridal veil that had been sitting there for over a year with no problems whatsoever from the cat.

Go figure.