Friday, April 28, 2006

some mornings it DOES pay to chew through the straps.........

Ok, so, unfortunately, this is going to be a posting on my ex.
But, for me at least, it's just so priceless that I gotta share.

This coming week, I am watching my children,(basic day to day parent stuff) so my ex and her husband can go to Chicago for a vacation.
They were going to go to Las Vegas, but their flight was cancelled.

ANYway, I'd left work the other day with the daycare provider I use (and sometimes she did) what the upcoming schedule would be. I had to leave word with a worker, as the "boss" wasn't available. Today after work, I had a message to call them for verification.

Turns out that the "boss" wanted to know who was going to be responsible for billing of that week. I told her that I was being as how I was going to have the kids 'for' my ex.
She said "Oh, ok then."
After chatting a bit more (as I'm on good standing with the daycare peeps), I found out that my ex hasn't paid a rather large daycare bill in over a year. Furthermore, she was told, to her face apparently, she was not allowed to bring the boys to that daycare anymore.

I know I should be more than over my ex, and I pretty much am.
It's just when I hear shit like this it makes me laugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can SOOOOO relate!