Thursday, April 13, 2006

A star is born

Last night was my youngest boy's (third grade) Spring musical program.
It was titled "Who Pushed Humpty" and was a light hearted murder mystery.
In the end, the audience decides who of the four suspects is guilty, which turned out to be a surprise to the actors and teacher!

I love going to watch my children's performances. The plays/musicals are always entertaining and all of the children are a delight to behold.

Now, MY little boy is a tad on the entertainingside as he gets rather animated while singing, or while others are singing.
Nothing embarrassing or out of line mind you, but it's still fun to watch him really get into the music while not too many around him do the same.

After missing the first few years of their school life (which I've mentioned the reasons here before, so I won't rehash them), it's a joy to be able to experience this part of my kids' lives.


OzzyC said...

Don't keep us in suspense. Who did it?

rayray said...

Of the four suspects, it was a shock to find out that Jack...........Jack B. Nimble was the culprit!

On a side note, all of the 'suspects'/students had lines memorized in the event that they were chosen by the audience as guilty!
Very impressive for third graders!