Wednesday, May 03, 2006

you like me! you REEEEEELLY like me!

Ok, so, I've ranted about online dating before.
I've also ranted about how there are entities that get hold of your email addy, mostly Yahoo addy, and solicit you in the form of a Russian woman that woos you until the day she asks for money for a visa to come visit you and spend the rest of your lives happily ever after.

Well, this is another along the lines of the latter, due to the fact that I've been "entertained" by another lovely lass.

As always, it starts out innocently enough:you receive an email from a Russian woman, seemingly in their mid twenties.
They will speak of how poor of a lifestyle they have (even though the young woman is dressed in 'today's finest'), they've lost one or both of their parents,they work for mere peanuts a day, but somehow have come acrossed your profile and just HAD to write.

Within a few emails (even if you DON'T respond, they still write as if a dialog has been opened!), they start to fall in love. By this time, they've enclosed a picture here and there of themselves. Nothing pornographic (yet), but just a lovely picture of said woman amongst some trees, flowers, on the beach, or holding their beloved pet.

Now, I've gotten such emails. Several over the past few years,but the latest created a sense in me that makes me feel somewhat unsafe online (see above picture).
This time, the woman in question not only sends me two pics of her naked, which by they way the pictured girl has BOOMIN' body, but sends me this picture of proof that she is real.

While I have no doubt that this girl is a real girl, somewhere, one can clearly see somethings not quite right with the paper. wtf.

Why do people feel the need to prey on us single, lonely, and usually horny men for a few hundred dollars?
Why do they feel the need to use the fact that Russian (and Asian) women are among the most beautiful women in the world for minimal monetary gain?

Yes, I find both Russian and Asian women very beautiful.
That doesn't mean I want some anonymous pictures and sweet words from someone I will never meet!
I'm not that pathetic.

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