Wednesday, July 26, 2006

How do YOU play?

Tonight, I went over to my buddy, Lizard's, to play Scrabble with him and our friend Jen. Liz and I occasionally play, and have recently included her.

Now, when it's just the two of us, we follow normal rules. But when Jen plays, it's her rules.
The thing that messes me up is the fact that she plays that you can reuse bonus squares after they have been used once.
Of course, it increases the point possibilies, but to me it just seems weird.

Has anyone else played this way?


Paulius said...

Don't get me started on scrabble. I think that's a game that's rules change depending on who's playing at the time.

Also, imagine being an English Major playing against Americans. Last time we played we had an hour long argument on British versus american spelling. "You can have color, not colour, and it's coloriZe not colouriSe"

American bastards...ruined the english language.

Sunny said...

Yeah this from Paulius who played the word Zabbubleaq and tried to pass it off as "It's a hat- an African hat."

Talk about butchering the game.

And No Ray-ray, I like to play by the rules and I personally challenge every weird word Paulius puts on there. Being an English Major- he knows a LOT more weird words than me and so I usually end up with a deficit of points.

I was SOOOOO used to WINNING that game before he came along.

I definately wouldn't like house rules like the bonus point re-use.
That's just CHEATING.
And you KNOW what we Southerners do to cheaters, don't you?

We shoot'em.

Paulius said...

A Zabbubleaq is an African hat with BEADS, thank you.

rayray said...

I feel for ya, Sunny

Sunny said...

Oh Ray-ray............
Get off the bike and post.

sigh....all you people think that summer is just for riding your cycles and goofing off. You have RESPONSIBILITIES and ......stuff.

um.......yeah......okay then.