Sunday, July 16, 2006

C'mon, don't be shy!

I've been blogging for just over a year now, and while I've had a lot of visits to my site, I've received only a smattering of comments.

Now, either my entries are really uninteresting, or people just don't know what to say!

I've noticed a few 'reciprocating visits' which I appreciate very much!
But, for you other 'hit-and-runners', don't be shy! Say something! Let me know you care! ;)


Paulius said...

I'll be completely honest, I enjoyed reading your comments on other blogs and often thought "Hmm, I wish Rayray had a blog."

Ummmm, I only realised you actually did about a week ago.

Why I didn't realise that because you had a blogger ID PROBABLY meant you had a blog is beyond me.

Sunny said...

Okay, I read your blog a good bit- but seldom comment. I don't know why....maybe because you almost carry on a two way conversation on Ozzy's blog comments page sometimes, but seldom do that on your own.
Not a criticism- just an observation.

Also, being a blonde- sometimes your posts are just going right over my head. Try blogging about shooting or kicking ass more often, THEN I'll be commenting more.
You don't have to be so deep and intelligent all the time, do you?


Sunny said...

Oh- & BTW- I looked at some of your pics....nice. I hope that was an auto show and not all your cars that I saw on there. Sweet kids too.

What perecipitated the change of style from Western? to Biker from 1995 to now?
Very interesting.

rayray said...

paulius-better late than never!

sunny-I guess I never really thought about the fact that Dave and I almost "chat" on his blog!

As far as being "deep and intellectual", it's a gift. it's a curse.

No:just the latest four vehicles were/are mine.

why the numerous style changes? good question!
I think I was just trying to find myself. btw:i'm still lookin'! ;)

Anonymous said...

hey billy

two things

one: i am bad at most cooespondence just because my response would be a one liner and that just seems a waste of time.

and B: ahhh.. i got nothing as i wasted all my answer on part a of the answer.

and finally: i'm not jesting, and don't call me shirley

Anonymous said...

that was supposed to be "correspondence".

damnit it to Ilmater