Monday, July 17, 2006

Anything to save a buck

I've noticed that automotive makers have taken another step in cutting down the cost of their vehicles in order to increase sales. What is this 'money saving' thing?
Selling cars with optional turn-signals.

Back in the day, muscle cars were everywhere, until raising gas prices forced auto makers to create more fuel efficient cars and trucks.

Then they wanted to make a safer vehicle, so steel was substituted with plastic skins over a steel substructure.

Now, in an effort to make things even MORE inexpensive, it seems that now we have a choice whether or not our cars and trucks come with working turn signals!

I know you've seen em! They're easy to pick out:they surprise you at the last minute before making either a lane change or turn around the corner.

These cars and trucks must be geared towards the elderly, knowing that our senior citizens are on a mostly fixed income. Although I've never seen such an ad, they must be being played at a time when I am not watching television. Either that, or they've tuned into the frequency of America's hearing aid populous.

So, the next time you slam on the breaks so you don't hit that 'blue-hair' because they've come to a complete stop, and then turned, applaud our automotive manufacturers for their continuing endeavor to supply us with cheaper transportation.


Paulius said...

Don't forget, those cars also come with a special permit to do your make-up, brush your hair, read a map or newspaper and talk on a mobile while navigating rush-hour traffic.

OzzyC said...

This post sounds related to Chief Slacker's entry.

rayray said...

It does, but, I posted mine a day before he did. ;)

Paulius said...

What, you mean the idea of being annoyed at people for not using their turn signals isn't entirely original?!?!