Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Coming along nicely

Back in the Fall of '94, I was in need of reliable transportation.
I'd been limping back and forth 30 miles in a car, that in my opinion, .was designed for cruisin'.

So, I went down to the local Chevy dealer and decided that an S-10 was what I wanted.
Not only could I afford it, but it would be great on gas mileage.
There were two on the lot. One was white. The other, raspberry.
Now, being somewhat of a stand-outish kinda guy, I obviously couldn't pass up the raspberry one.

Once I got it home, I had to 'personalize' it, and being on a somewhat low income,I did what I could.

But having been in a group of friends that prided themselves on our rides, my thirst for individuality (or at least being able to 'keep up with the Jones''), I never stopped thinking of ideas for my little truck.

In a few years, I'd be rear-ended by an over-zeloused teenager.
I'd use the insurance money to not only repair, but initiate the custom process.
A molded in rollpan, relocated tailgate handle, and colour-matched tonneau would be the first alteration.

Next came the carpet kit for the bed. Not too practical, being designed to haul things, but I couldn't resist.

For the following eight years, I'd toil at the notion of lowering my ride from stock height to a mere six inches (measured at the body line) from the pavement. I'd liked to have been able to drop the frame rails on the ground, but that'll have to wait.

I'd save some cash from my tax return with the intention of having my S-Dime dropped, but each year a 'mystery bill' would pop up, dashing any hopes of achieving new lows with my ride.

But this year was different!!
I've finally been able to get some gratification after all these years and have (mildly) slammed my little truck to the pavement!

Now that I've finally achieved this monumental occasion, I can become docile once more in my fascination to be what I was truly borne to be:an attention whore!

Next on the chopping block:the roof's comin' off!!
(I've always wanted a convertable)


Sunny said...

You know, those trucks that have been slammed look SOOOO cool, but are sooooooimpractical. If i had one i would be replacing the oil-pan every week. My deal is driving fast. I LOVE(d) to drag when i was a teenager and stupid.

I still think theres not much that can beat riding down the road in a fast car and just letting her have her head with the radio turned up as loud as can be. i used top have a 65 mustang, an 80 MGB LE, and a 82 Challenger.

Dang, I miss my cars. Now i drive a sensible little Ford Aspire.That's about to EXPIRE. 164,000 miles on it.But it has a practically new re-built motor in it. 4 cyl. DISGUSTING. What I NEED is another muscle car with a big ole honkin ENGINE in it!

Why did you have to show us that pretty tricked out truck and get me started wishing again, Ray-ray?

OzzyC said...

When are you gonna drive it down and cruise the strip?

rayray said...

I share, cus I love.
I'll come down when you can assure me I won't wake up the next morning to "things with wings" stuck all over my ride. lol ;)