Tuesday, August 01, 2006

You can do that for me???

Today, while going home for lunch, I heard a sultry feminine voice on the radio:"How would you like to have sex free for ninety days?".

What? Free sex for three months? Are you kidding? OF COURSE I WOULD!!

Turns out, what I was listening to was an advertisement in the latest product in erectile disfunction.


So, here I am, divorced for six years, nary a date have I had in sometime, a woman on the radio is hawking free sex, and all she's going to talk about is how this product will help lil Johnny stand at attention.

SURE! GET a brother goin' then douse his dreams in his own fluids! (ok, so, perhaps that was a wee over the top).

The thing that got me thinking about this product was the fact that it's a topical male enhancement formula, or cream.

Ok, so we know how it affects Mr. Winky, but what about your hands?
I mean, you've got to apply this stuff SOME how, right?
Will my hands get bigger?
Will they become stiff and, being usually dexerous, hard to handle??

How about providing some kind of loofa or something to apply this crap?

Or am I the only one that thinks this way?


Sunny said...


Did you ever think that maybe a pair of LATEX gloves would protect those dexerous hands of yours?

A loofa.....then you'd have a stiff sponge.

Paulius said...

AH! I finally understand where that "You know what they say about men with big hands..." Myth comes from.

Oh, and PS, nothing is touching Mr. Happy that I have to wear latex gloves to handle.

OzzyC said...

I can picture the slogan now...

Once you start putting it on, you just can't stop!

Miss Anthrope said...

Haha, funny post! If I were a man with that "problem", I'd probably try using saran wrap... for some reason, that automatically came to mind.

Then again, I'm weird, so what do I know? :)