Sunday, August 27, 2006


-I recently got "Guitar Hero" for the PS2, and I must say I'm very happy with it.
Normally, I'm not very good at vid games,(usually ask my 11 year old for assistance), but I'd heard about this game a few months back and have been looking forward to it.
Of course, my nine year old says I "cheat" because I have "an edge". So I play guitar. So what?

-School has started and I overlapped my summer time with the boys with the first week of school. I registered them, got their school supplies, and even picked them up from school (as my work schedule allowed). I think it was equally enjoyable for them as much as it was for me.

-I've joined an area car club, (which a younger female co-worker says it reminds her of what "old people do"). The co-pres was cool enough to waive this years fees due to the fact that not only is it late in the season, but that I've participated in the last few events put on by the car club.

-I'm totally jealous of Ozzy. I'd planned on taking the course, getting a license and a bike, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to. "Maybe next year" you say? Not likely. I've taken on the S-10 as my toy.

-This coming week is the last week of "Summer Hours" at work,(starting an hour early and getting off an hour early). Didn't really matter however, because we were working overtime and staying until the normal quitting time.

-I'm starting to feel "the itch" again. It's about time I put forth some effort into meeting a nice gal who can offer up some intelligent conversation, be a formidable challenger at Scrabble, likes at least SOME of the same things I do, and whip up a good meal (something OTHER than the pizza, hotdogs, and mac&cheese menu I'm used to).

-My allergies were in overdrive this week as pollen counts skyrocketed.
I'd wanted to take the boys to the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, but it'll have to wait until sometime next month.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Been busy, haven't you- and plan on being busier, I see.

Good for you.