Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Farewell Petros

Tonight, was our weekly game session,(instead of last night) and it was one of our members last adventure with us for a while as he is going back to college.

It was a memorable battle as the four of us battled Huge Fire Elementals, Steel Predators, and even a Giant Fire Elemental.
We lost two non-incidental characters,(unless you ask Josh who was in control of them!) but in the end, our little band of fighters were victorious, vanquishing the evil that dwelled within the fiery domain.

Petros will be missed as his high damage arrows, extreme way of thinking (I mean, come one:who would think to shimmy up the backside of a Buelette and start firing off arrows??)and invaluable trap detection and disarming, will be retired to the steel mills.

Adventures won't be the same without you.......

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