Sunday, November 27, 2005

When you care enough to send the very best

I love tattoos.
The artwork involved. The colours. The pictures.
I got my first (and subsequently the only) tattoo about ten years ago.
It was a picture of Opus, from a comic strip called Bloom County, playing an electric guitar. For me, it represented my playing guitar and my collecting of penguins. Plus, Opus rocks.

So ten years go by, and each year I tell myself I'm going to get another tattoo but my financial status won't support it. I know I know. Just save a little bit here and there and in time you'll have enough cash for more ink. But because of my personal situation over the past decade, not to mention the past five years, I just couldn't swing it.

I'd decided the next tattoos I got would have something to do with my boys.
Three weeks ago, I asked each of them to write their initials and birthdates down and I would put them in some sort of pattern. They were almost as excited as I was.
"We get to write on Daddy!". You could almost see it in their eyes.

For the past few months I've been working a lot of overtime and with my salary to date, the OT has really boosted my bank account.
This weekend, I decided to spend a little on myself and get the first of two tattoos, which I will chronicle in my next posting.

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