Sunday, November 20, 2005

The war wages on..............

What war is he referring to, you may ask?
Is the ever growing war against keeping drugs out of the hands of our children?
How about the war on terrorism? That'd be a good topic.

No friends, the war I speak of is on a more personal level. It has waged on for many a year now and there seems to be no end in sight.

I now tell you of the battle between man and animal. This is my story, of my plight, against a mouse in my house.

While I am reminded of the epic story of Sir Ozzy, the Gerbil Tamer, mine is a simpler story.
One that does not end with a "huzzah", but continues with a heavy "sigh" for I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel.

My story begins long ago when the first of his kind left signs he'd been there. (Why do I refer to it as a "he"? Makes for a good story. So there).
The strategically placed "markings" of where he had been were all to clear. He was toying with me.

He'd come and go as he pleased, mocking me at every turn.
I'd entice him,inviting him to partake of sustenance. Little did I know this breed was of a new era. One that could detect traps. One that could circumnavigate even the most creative of ensnare.

Each year, it seems that this assailant is nie invulnerable. Either that or has the ability to clone himself, having stockpile an amassed army, released one by one as another falls in battle.

As the war between man and mouse wages on, with a toll being applied to my psyche alone, I trudge on with my sights set on only one result:The eradication of this plight from my homestead.


OzzyC said...

Have you searched the internet?

rayray said...

I figured my search for "a better mouse trap" would closely mimic my search for a female companion.

OzzyC said...


Mr RayRay, if you pay $29.95 per month, we can find you the perfect mouse trap, delivered by your soul mate.

Anonymous said...

Ever hear of a clever thing called a Cat??

I hear the country ones know how to round up those little critters!